
Universe 4.0 – a prospectus

Let’s face it, our current cosmological paradigm, the so-called ΛCDM “concordance model” of Universe 3.x (where x≈7), is getting somewhat dated.  Arguably, it is no longer fit for purpose.  Time then for a rethink, and a vision of what a totally redesigned universe – Universe 4.0 – might look like.

This site includes a brief overview of the history of cosmology over the past 4000 years or so, up to the present day, highlighting the common errors of perception that have hindered humankind’s progress in understanding our place in the universe.

The main failings of the current cosmological paradigm are reviewed, concentrating on the coincidences and contradictions presented by the twin concepts of Dark Matter and Dark Energy.  A set of criteria are proposed that any new cosmological paradigm should, ideally, fulfil.

An illustration is provided showing how this might be achieved using an alternative picture of the way time is treated in General Relativity, in the context of a scalar-tensor theory of gravity, and show how this can reproduce the cosmological effects currently ascribed to Dark Energy and Dark Matter.

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